Articles with tag: Opiskelijaurheilu
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Universiade medal record kicks off our year of international competitions and meetings
Published:Finnish university athletes took the all-time Finnish medal record at the World University Games in Torino in January. In addition to the World University Games and the European Universities Championships, the year of international university sports also includes the General Assemblies of our umbrella organisations.
Apply for the European Universities Championships 2025
Published:The European Universities Championships are held every two years in connection with the multi-sport event European Universities Games and every two years as separate European Championships. 2025 will be the year of the European Championships. The Games also offer a great opportunity to test the level of European elite sports, as many national team-level athletes will be taking part in them. The athletes will represent their own higher education institution in the Games.
Read more about article: Apply for the European Universities Championships 2025
Join us in developing competitive activities for students!
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is setting up a competition committee to develop competitive activities in institutes of higher education.
Read more about article: Join us in developing competitive activities for students!
Call for applications for FSC organisers 2025 now open
Published:Read more about article: Call for applications for FSC organisers 2025 now open
One medal and many great moments
Published:The European Universities Championships (EUSA Games) have come to a close in Debrecen and Miskolc, Hungary. Finnish athletes won one medal and achieved many rankings.
Finnish students aim for two medals at the European Universities Championships
Published:The European Universities Championships will be held from 10 to 24 July in the cities of Debrecen and Miskolc in Hungary. Comprising 18 events, the EUSA Games bring together around 5,000 athletes from European higher education institutions. The Finnish team consists of 69 students competing in five sports. Finnish Student Sports Federation has set the team a target of two medals, the same as in the preceding Games two years ago in Lodz, Poland.
International SELL Student Games to be held in Vierumäki in 2025
Published:The SELL Student Games for higher education students will be held at Vierumäki Sports Hall from 15 to 18 May 2025. Founded in 1924 and revived in the 1990s, this celebration of student sports in Finland and the Baltic countries will be organised for the 40th time next year.
Read more about article: International SELL Student Games to be held in Vierumäki in 2025
Finnish representatives join international student sport umbrella organisations
Published:To develop sports in higher education institutions, student representatives nominated by the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) have been elected to a number of international umbrella organisations for student sports. Atte Kolehmainen, Lari Koskinen and Tia Saharinen take up their posts in 2024.
SELL Students Games in Kaunas 16–19.5 – there’s still time to join the most laid-back student sports event of the year!
Published:The most fun student exercise and sports event of the year, SELL Student Games, will take place in Kaunas in Lithuania on the 16–19 May. These Games have no level requirements, so anyone can take part!
Apply for the European Universities Championships 2024
Published:The European Universities Championships are held every two years in connection with the multi-sport event European Universities Games and every two years as separate European Championships. 2024 will be the year of the European Universities Games. Around 5,000 athletes from across Europe will take part in the European Universities Games. The Games also offer a great opportunity to test the level of European elite sports, as many national team-level athletes will be taking part in them. The athletes will represent their own higher education institution in the Games.
Read more about article: Apply for the European Universities Championships 2024
Finland sending strong beach volley team to European Universities Games
Published:The last European Universities Games Finland will be attending will be between 20 and 24 September in Málaga, Spain. Finland is represented by three pairs, just raring to go.
Read more about article: Finland sending strong beach volley team to European Universities Games
Gold and two bronze medals at the European Universities Orienteering Championship
Published:Ten Finnish athletes took part in the European Universities Orienteering Championship held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, at the end of August. Now being held for the second time, the participants had high praise for the organisation of the event.
European Universities Championship in Orienteering held in Switzerland this weekend
Published:Only held for the second time, the European Universities Championship in Orienteering will bring orienteers from up to 17 countries and 62 universities to compete in the Alpine landscape.
Jatkuuko mitaliputki Zagrebissa?
Published:Kamppailulajien opiskelijoiden EM-kisat alkavat 20.7. Kroatiassa Zagrebissa. Suomesta on mukana karateen ja taekwondoon kilpailijoita.
European Universities Futsal Championships – looking to improve
Published:Finland will be represented by three teams at the European Universities Futsal Championships in Split, Croatia. The results were not much to write to home about last year in Poland, but this time all three teams are determined to prove their mettle.
Read more about article: European Universities Futsal Championships – looking to improve
University of Jyväskylä heading to Tirana
Published:Kesän aikana kilpaillaan useassa lajissa opiskelijoiden EM-kisat. Ensimmäisenä lajina vuorossa on jalkapallo.
Read more about article: University of Jyväskylä heading to Tirana
President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation: The Finland on the Move programme not properly implemented for students
Published:Emilia Junnila, President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, sees potential in the Finland on the Move programme included in the Government Programme to make students more active. However, she is concerned about cuts affecting students, which can scupper any good intentions.
SELL Games centenary celebrations took place in Estonia
Published:The SELL Student Games of Finland and the Baltic countries were held on May 19–21 in Tartu, Estonia. The Finnish Student Sports Federation was there to represent Finland and to enjoy the competitive atmosphere. OLL’s three-person delegation included president Emilia Junnila, vice president Atte Kolehmainen and events and training specialist Markku Rantahalvari.
Read more about article: SELL Games centenary celebrations took place in Estonia
International sports advocacy in the shadow of war
Published:Universiades, Russian ministers and university sports services – there is a lot going on in international student sports, both on playing fields and in meeting rooms. OLL’s Secretary General Niko Peltokangas writes about how the Federation is exerting influence in international umbrella organisations.
Read more about article: International sports advocacy in the shadow of war
Apply for the Young Reporters Programme at FISU World University Games
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for young journalists to develop their sports journalism skills at the summer edition of the 2023 World University Games in Chengdu, China. The application deadline is on the 14th of April.
Read more about article: Apply for the Young Reporters Programme at FISU World University Games
Final episode of the election podcast
Published:In the final episode of our election podcast we got to interview Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin (Swedish People's Party of Finland), Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland) and Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now). What do they think about investing in measures to prevent the deterioration of well-being, in order to avoid a crisis in social and health care?
Read more about article: Final episode of the election podcast
Election panel held by the Finnish Student Sports Federation and the Finnish Olympic Committee will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Olympic Committee will organize a parliamentary election panel on Monday, March 13, from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm. at the Olympic Stadium. The election panel will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports.
Why does Putin want to control university sports?
Published:Big money in sports is a major incentive for many people hungry for power. But why did Putin also want to sit on the throne of university sports, where there is less money and fame?
Read more about article: Why does Putin want to control university sports?
How did Putin gain control over university sports?
Published:Power in FISU, umbrella organisation of university sports, transferred to Putin in the 2010s. But how did it come to this? The Finnish Student Sports Federation’s events and training specialist Markku Rantahalvari will answer this question in the OLL blog.
Read more about article: How did Putin gain control over university sports?
Markku Rantahalvari: Boycott sporting events the right way!
Published:What’s the right thing to do when a country that grossly violates human rights organises and hosts sporting events by questionable means? Our events and education specialist Markku has a few tips for you!
Read more about article: Markku Rantahalvari: Boycott sporting events the right way!
SELL-kisojen isännöinti tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kansainväliseen profiloitumiseen
Published:SELL Student Games on kansainvälinen korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettu opiskelijaliikuntatapahtuma. Toukokuun toiseksi viimeisenä viikonloppuna pidettävien SELL-kisojen järjestämisestä vastaavat vuoroin neljä SELL-maata: Suomi, Viro, Latvia ja Liettua. Vuonna 2025 on jälleen Suomen vuoro isännöidä kisoja.
Joko puhutaan liikkumisesta? Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto vaatii vaalitavoitteissaan konkreettisia toimia liikunnan edistämiseksi
Published:Mikä toimiala on 1) miljardien arvoinen, 2) kaikkien poliitikkojen suosiossa ja 3) lähes näkymätön vaalikeskusteluissa? Kyse on liikkumisen ja liikunnan edistämisestä. Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena onkin tuoda korkeakoululiikunta kevään eduskuntavaalikeskusteluihin.
Joel Naukkarinen rows a gold medal for Finland in his last Student European Championships
Published:The number of medals won by Finland in the 2022 Student European Championships increased further – Joel Naukkarinen took gold in rowing in the Student European Championships held in Istanbul on 7–9 September 2022. Thanks to Naukkarinen’s victory, Finland brought a total of three medals home from the Student European Championships.
FISU looks for young journalists to cover 2023 FISU World University Games
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for young journalists to develop their sports journalism skills at the winter edition of the 2023 World University Games in Lake Placid, New York. The application deadline is on the 20th of September.
Read more about article: FISU looks for young journalists to cover 2023 FISU World University Games
A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Published:During the last two weeks of July, the Polish city of Lodz was filled with university athletes. The European Universities Games saw nearly 6,000 athletes compete in twenty different sports. Finnish universities were represented by a team of 62 athletes in eight different sports.
Read more about article: A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Page last updated 30.8.2020