Election panel held by the Finnish Student Sports Federation and the Finnish Olympic Committee will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports
The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Olympic Committee will organize a parliamentary election panel on Monday, March 13, from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm. at the Olympic Stadium. The election panel will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports.

Candidates familiar with sports and the student world from all parties elected to parliament are invited to the election panel. In addition to the questions prepared by OLL and the Olympic Committee, it is possible to pose audience questions to the candidates. The one and a half hour long panel will be streamed on OLL's YouTube channel.
You can register for the audience of the election panel and leave a question for the candidates here. The aim of the anonymous form is to form an estimate of the number of participants.
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Page last updated 9.3.2023