Are you applying to be on the OLL Board? This is how we support campaigning!
We offer campaign support to candidates applying to be on the OLL Board through mailing lists and social media channels.

Here is a checklist of OLL’s campaign support for candidates:
- Send an announcement about your candidacy to our Communications Specialist who will forward it to OLL’s mailing lists. You can attach a file and links to online candidate materials.
- Send your photo and answers to the questions below* to the Communications Specialist by 2 November 2020. We will publish presentations of all the candidates on the OLL website.
- Contact our Communications Specialist to book your Instagram day between 2 and 13 November. We will let the candidate take over OLL’s Instagram strory for one day.
- You can also read the Handbook for Board candidates (in Finnish and Swedish), which summarises how to work at OLL.
You can contact OLL’s Communications Specialist Niko Peltokangas at
*Questions for the candidate presentation:
- Your name, the name of your member organisation and your title, the name of your higher education institution or employer
- What Board position are you applying for at OLL and why?
- List your 1–3 most important goals on the OLL Board.
- How have you so far promoted student sports and physical activity in studies, and what other skills and experience would you bring to OLL?
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Page last updated 16.10.2020