The higher education community of the Helsinki metropolitan area gets together: EveryMoveCounts-campaign starts!
The well-being of higher education students has been put to the test during the occurring pandemic. The goal of the EveryMoveCounts-campaign is to increase the students’ awareness of the benefits of daily movement for their well-being. The campaign aims to especially reach sedentary students who aren’t particularly interested in sports and exercise.

The main message of the campaign is that an active lifestyle doesn’t necessarily have to include intense exercising but rather small acts of everyday life that enhance well-being and study ability. Every move counts.
Besides Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) the following organisations participate in the campaign:
Aalto University
Aalto University Student Union AYY
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
The Student Union of Haaga-Helia UAS Helga
Hanken School of Economics
University of Helsinki
The Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY
The Student Union of Laurea UAS Laureamko
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences’ HyMy-Village
The Student Union of Metropolia UAS METKA
The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics (SHS)
Uniarts Helsinki
Finnish Student Health Service SFHS
ZONE - Universities of Applied Sciences Sport Services
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Page last updated 3.2.2022