Evaluation of the Schools on the Move Programme: Increased productivity in physical activity

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Between January and March 2019, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) carried out an external evaluation of the Schools on the Move programme for the current key project period.

The two main results of the evaluation are:

1) At primary schools in particular, the capacity for increasing physical activity, that is, the highest possible productivity, has been significantly improved.

2) The increased capacity has not yet significantly been translated into energetic physical activity.

According to FINEEC’s evaluation, increasing energetic physical activity would require that the schools and educational establishments involved in the Schools on the Move programme took mutually agreed measures more extensively and systematically than at present.

Read the whole evaluation here (in Finnish, summary in English): http://www.liikuntaneuvosto.fi/files/658/Liikkuva_koulu_-arviointi_2019_nettiversio.pdf

Jussi Ansala

Senior Special Advisor for University Sport

Author profile: Jussi Ansala

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