Election advocacy

Elections – municipal elections, parliamentary elections and the European Parliament elections – are the most important stage for political decision-making. The Finnish Student Sports Federation does long-term election advocacy work to promote the sports conditions of higher education institutions and students.

Panellists in Lasipalatsi's Palm Room at the start of the #liikkuvaopiskeluNYT parliamentary election panel organised by OLL in March 2019: Paavo Arhinmäki (Left Alliance), Ritva Elomaa (Finns Party), Johanna Karimäki (Green League), Hanna Kosonen (Centre Party), Sari Multala (National Coalition Party) and Joona Räsänen (Social Democratic Party of Finland). Talking with the panellists is Joonas Suikula, OLL’s President for 2019. Standing next to Joonas are Vice Presidents Harri Nurmi and Tiina Anttonen. Behind them are the presenters of the panel, OLL’s Special Advisor for University Sport Jussi Ansala and OLL’s President for 2018 Soile Koski-Aho.
The politicians responsible for sports-related issues in their respective
parties promised in the #liikkuvaopiskeluNYT parliamentary election panel organised
by OLL in March 2019 that the Schools/Students on the Move programme would be
extended to higher education institutions and given the necessary resources.